Preventing and Treating Plant Diseases in Conroe, Texas

Learn how to prevent and treat common plant diseases in Conroe, TX. Find out about black spot, powdery mildew, brown spot, stain, and bay leaf wilt.

Preventing and Treating Plant Diseases in Conroe, Texas

When it comes to keeping your Conroe, Texas yard healthy, prevention is the best medicine. Fungicides can help reduce the amount of infected foliage, but the most important thing you can do is avoid overwatering and over-fertilizing, and keep your garden free of debris. Mulching well and avoiding watering the foliage or sprinkling the leaves with soil particles can also help prevent fungal-related issues such as black spot, powdery mildew, brown spot, and stain.Located in historic Houston Heights, the garden center is dedicated to native plants and organic gardening. While oak wilt has been a major concern for tree diseases in Texas, experts at Texas A&M AgriLife are now warning Texans about another tree disease that is becoming a growing problem in the state: bay leaf wilt.

After some conversations and a visit to his property by Appel, with an arborist from the Texas Section of the International Arboricultural Society, followed by a laboratory analysis performed by the Texas Plant Disease Diagnostic Laboratory at Texas A&M University in Bryan-College Station, it was determined that Messmer's trees were infected by bay wilt. The best way to protect your trees from bay leaf wilt is to practice proper pruning techniques. Pruning should be done during dry weather and all pruning tools should be sterilized between cuts. Additionally, it is important to avoid wounding trees during construction or other activities. If you suspect your trees may be infected with bay leaf wilt, contact a certified arborist for diagnosis and treatment.